Sunday, January 23, 2011

New Pic In The Living Room!

To my surprise yesterday, I walked in the living room and noticed something new. Hannah had decided to draw a picture on the living room wall! I was speechless! I said Oh My Goodness, Hannah what did you do? She said, Mom...It's not like I used Marker or anything like that, its just pencil! (picture this being said with her head tilted sideways and her hands on her hips!) It took everything I had not to laugh out loud! What do you say to that!?!? So we waited for Jeremy to get home before we cleaned it. First I let her use an erased to try and clean it off...Lol! That didn't work. She was starting to get nervous. So I got out the mr. clean magic eraser and it came right off! Hannah has promised several times that she will Never, Never, Ever Do That Again! Lol! What a little stinker!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Snow Day!!!

Hannah and I had LOTS of fun in the snow today! She decided to get her beach stuff out to play with. I thought that was a great idea! What an imagination! Her little nose was so red, but she insisted that she was NOT cold! Lol! After playing we came in to enjoy some nice warm hot chocolate with colored marshmallows! Yummy! I LOVE days like this!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Newport Aquarium 2010

Grandpa and Grandma Utz took us to the Newport Aquarium in September. Hannah had so much fun showing the grandparents all the fun stuff! I think they had as much fun as she did! Lol! She loved the shark attack cage, we thought she would be scared...not so much! Another favorite was the spider crabs. Hannah could not believe how big they were. She also loved the new Frog Bog play area. It had games, playhouse, slide, and big frogs to climb on. What a great day spent with the family!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hannah Got Her Ear's Pierced!

Hannah has always said she never wants to get her ears pierced! She said it would hurt to bad and never wanted any part of it...Until. The first day of preschool this year some friends came to school with pierced ears and she decided she wanted hers done also! We explained to her that it does hurt, and that she would have to help take care of them. So, a few weeks ago we went to the mall. We had to leave and walk around the mall 3 times since she kept changing her mind! She finally got brave enough and did it! She cried a little, but it was over before she knew it! After she got them pierced we let her pick out 3 new pairs - rainbows, turtles, and monkey's. She can hardly wait till its time to change them!

She is looking more and more like such a big girl!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

She Makes My Heart Melt

My sweet little Hannah has been so excited about my new work schedule. It is such a blessing to be able to work part time while she is young! Getting to spend more time with her has made us all very happy! She told me that preschool days and swim class days are not her favorite days anymore...It's Mommy & Hannah Days!!!

Absolutely Positive That I Made The Right Choice About My Work Schedule!

Love...Love...Love My Life!!! :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Preschool Day 1

Hannah was beyond excited for preschool this morning! She was bouncing around as soon as she got out of bed! She talked and sang all the way to preschool! I walked her to the door, grabbed a few pics and off she went! (Sniff, Sniff!) Jeremy and I got there to pick her up and she started talking before she even opened the car door! We took her to Pizza Train aka Pizza King for lunch. Grammy met us there, and we had a great time! It is 6:30pm now and she is still going strong! I am hoping for an early evening and for things to settle down soon! We'll see!!!

Hannah With A New Friend Cali

Hannah With Her Teacher Mrs. Head

Hannah & Grammy At Pizza King